Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gluten Free, Allergy Free Decorated Cookies

My youngest daughter is allergic to eggs, dairy protein, soy, tree nuts and chocolate.  When her class at school celebrates her birthday I always bring in her favorite allergy free cookie.  The children (and parents too!) LOVE them.  I have decided to make them available to all and will start selling them to local bakeries.  I will also be able to ship them across the United States.  My local Super Suppers is interested in them as well.  They have a lot of customers that come there because of their allergies.  I will post pictures of them soon.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Five Question Friday

1.Are you a Black Friday shopper?
No!  I can't stand the crowds.  I do almost all my shopping online.

2.  What was your childhood favorite toy?  
I LOVED Gumby and Pokey pose able dolls.  Also, I loved my Barbies and the fantasy world I lived in while playing with them.

3.Favorite Christmas movie?
I never get tired of "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase.  It's just not Christmas without it.

4.  What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year?
This might sound like a cliche, but, I REALLY just want happiness and peace and health for my family and friends.

5.  Do you go "all out" with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy?
I keep it classy, but not always simple. I love LOTS of lights.  I could sit and stare at the Christmas tree for hours.  I also never get tired of coming home to a house fully lit up...I know the kids really love that too. 

MckLinky Blog Hop


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Memories

We finally managed to carve our jack-o-lanterns.  Since everyone was sick all week, this was put off until the last day!  We had lots of fun.

We left for dinner and trick-or-treating before dark so we didn't get to see the jack-o-lanterns until we got home...the kids were impressed with their carvings:
A dragon on the left and a "Halloween cat" on the right, 

Friday, October 30, 2009

Not the Swine Flu!

Our family has been hit hard this week by something...I have not dressed in 4 days. I dressed yesterday only to take both kids to doctor. The sign on the door "If you have any of the following symptoms, do not enter, please enter through sick door" Symptoms: Fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion. Well, we all had every symptom. After entering, we were all given surgical face masks to wear. We were given a room very quickly. The doctor entered wearing a face mask and blue gloves. I felt like we had some really bad contagious disease. The kids noses were swabbed for H1N1 and throats for strep throat. Both came back NEGATIVE! My 9 year old with #asthma has bronchitis and my 12 year old, a sore throat. After two prescriptions of antibiotics, we were on our way. Everyone I know who is sick is saying they have the #swine flu. Doctors are telling their patients that without testing. My children both have fevers and are lethargic, but do not have the flu. We haven't had time to get our seasonal flu shots yet, but will do it as soon as we are well. My 9 year old can't get the flu vaccine due to egg allergies, so we all get it to protect her. We will not be getting the #H1N1vaccine. I don't like to get vaccines that have been rushed into production. We will continue to use diligent hand washing as one protection against the flu. Their small private school of 350 students had 69 students absent on Monday. There have been 2 physician confirmed cases of #H1N1 How are you holding up this flu season?

Homework Boxes

Daily Tip:
Each of my children has a “homework box” It is a clear plastic document box and in it are all the supplies they need to do homework.  Lined paper, pencils, colored pencils, colored markers, scissors, ruler, protractor, calculator, etc.  When they sit down to do homework, there are no delays while having to go look for something they need.  We keep these boxes in a cabinet by the kitchen table.  Also in the cabinet are their “stay at home” school books, electric pencil sharpener, and reference books, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, etc.  Each child also has a “completed work file”.  All their graded work goes in here to be used to study for trimester exams.   This cabinet has made the homework time in our house a little less chaotic.